Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Extra Credit Fall 2010

Guidelines for Extra Credit for Fall 2010

You may choose to either write a report on a movie or a book (treat an event or lecture as a book) for extra credit. This report is due when you hand in your final paper but the points can be applied to any test or paper. The movie review will be worth up to 7 points; a book/event review will be worth up to 14 points. You can do a lecture/book or lecture/movie, but not movie/book combo.

Movie: The movie must deal with international security issues including anything we have covered in class. No movies on interpersonal relationships or tenuous connections to international events will be accepted (no Borat). The movie can come from any time period. It would be best to get the movie approved before you watch. You must write at least a 4 page paper that will include one half review of the movie and the issues it covers. The second half will consider how it is relevant to the class and what lessons we can take from it. This assignment will be graded like any other essay, 7 points are not guaranteed. I do NOT want a recap of the movie, I want a review in the style of something the New Yorker would do.

Book/Lecture Event: The book must deal with contemporary international security issues. It should be published after 9/11. The same issues mentioned in the movie option are fair game. It would be best to get the book approved by me before attempting to write a review. Your review must be at least 7 pages. It should be completed like your normal required book report (1/3 review, 1/3 connection to international issues, and 1/3 criticisms or support). This assignment will be graded like any other essay, 14 points are not guaranteed. I do NOT want a recap of the book/event. For events and lectures, student should attach some documentation of attendance.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

New Start Treaty

On April 8th, the US and Russia will sign a update of the START treaty. Here are the details.

Key Facts about the New START Treaty

Treaty Structure: The New START Treaty is organized in three tiers of increasing level of detail. The first tier is the Treaty text itself. The second tier consists of a Protocol to the Treaty, which contains additional rights and obligations associated with Treaty provisions. The basic rights and obligations are contained in these two documents. The third tier consists of Technical Annexes to the Protocol. All three tiers will be legally binding. The Protocol and Annexes will be integral parts of the Treaty and thus submitted to the U.S. Senate for its advice and consent to ratification.

Strategic Offensive Reductions: Under the Treaty, the U.S. and Russia will be limited to significantly fewer strategic arms within seven years from the date the Treaty enters into force. Each Party has the flexibility to determine for itself the structure of its strategic forces within the aggregate limits of the Treaty. These limits are based on a rigorous analysis conducted by Department of Defense planners in support of the 2010 Nuclear Posture Review.

Aggregate limits:

* 1,550 warheads. Warheads on deployed ICBMs and deployed SLBMs count toward this limit and each deployed heavy bomber equipped for nuclear armaments counts as one warhead toward this limit.
o This limit is 74% lower than the limit of the 1991 START Treaty and 30% lower than the deployed strategic warhead limit of the 2002 Moscow Treaty.
* A combined limit of 800 deployed and non-deployed ICBM launchers, SLBM launchers, and heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments.
* A separate limit of 700 deployed ICBMs, deployed SLBMs, and deployed heavy bombers equipped for nuclear armaments.
o This limit is less than half the corresponding strategic nuclear delivery vehicle limit of the START Treaty.

Verification and Transparency: The Treaty has a verification regime that combines the appropriate elements of the 1991 START Treaty with new elements tailored to the limitations of the Treaty. Measures under the Treaty include on-site inspections and exhibitions, data exchanges and notifications related to strategic offensive arms and facilities covered by the Treaty, and provisions to facilitate the use of national technical means for treaty monitoring. To increase confidence and transparency, the Treaty also provides for the exchange of telemetry.

Treaty Terms: The Treaty’s duration will be ten years, unless superseded by a subsequent agreement. The Parties may agree to extend the Treaty for a period of no more than five years. The Treaty includes a withdrawal clause that is standard in arms control agreements. The 2002 Moscow Treaty terminates upon entry into force of the New START Treaty. The U.S. Senate and the Russian legislature must approve the Treaty before it can enter into force.

No Constraints on Missile Defense and Conventional Strike: The Treaty does not contain any constraints on testing, development or deployment of current or planned U.S. missile defense programs or current or planned United States long-range conventional strike capabilities.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Extra Credit

Guidelines for Extra Credit for Spring 2010

You may choose to either write a report on a movie or a book (treat an event or lecture as a book) for extra credit. This report is due when you hand in your final paper but the points can be applied to any test or paper. The movie review will be worth up to 7 points; a book/event review will be worth up to 14 points. You can do a lecture/book or lecture/movie, but not movie/book combo.

Movie: The movie must deal with international relations in general (or international security issues/rivalry depending on your course) including anything we have covered in class. No movies on interpersonal relationships or tenuous connections to international events will be accepted (no Borat). The movie can come from any time period. It would be best to get the movie approved before you watch. You must write at least a 4 page paper that will include one half review of the movie and the issues it covers. The second half will consider how it is relevant to the class and what lessons we can take from it. This assignment will be graded like any other essay, 7 points are not guaranteed. I do NOT want a recap of the movie, I want a review in the style of something the New Yorker would do.

Book/Lecture Event: The book must deal with contemporary international issues (general, security focused or rivalry focused depending on the course). It should be published after 9/11. The same issues mentioned in the movie option are fair game. It would be best to get the book approved by me before attempting to write a review. Your review must be at least 7 pages. It should be completed like your normal required book report (1/3 review, 1/3 connection to international issues, and 1/3 criticisms or support). This assignment will be graded like any other essay, 14 points are not guaranteed. I do NOT want a recap of the book/event. For events and lectures, student should attach some documentation of attendance.