Wednesday, March 7, 2007

300 the Politics

For as much as I talk about this movie, I should get free tickets.

That Film’s Real Message? It Could Be: ‘Buy a Ticket’

"Three weeks ago a handful of reporters at an international press junket here for the Warner Brothers movie “300,” about the battle of Thermopylae some 2,500 years ago, cornered the director Zack Snyder with an unanticipated question.
“Is George Bush Leonidas or Xerxes?” one of them asked."

"Some attendees walked out of a screening there, while others insisted on seeing its presentation of the Spartans’ defense of Western civilization in the face of a Persian horde as propaganda for America’s position vis-à-vis Iraq and Iran."


Robert L [Rivalries] said...
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Robert L [Rivalries] said...

Seen the movie and I thought it was pretty good. Although it's not exactly historically accurate it does mostly follow what actually happened. Had it not happened deomocracy as we know it would probably not exist. I enjoyed the many analogies that can be drawn from the movie as well.

I guess it could be applied to what's currently going on. Not what was suggested plitically but the will to fight resignates from the support of Democracy. i think a lot of our troops see terrorsits as a threat to democracy (as do I) just like the Spartans saw the Persians as a threat to their democracy.

The notion that democracy isn't free is not embedded in the liberal culture of most kids growing up today. We don't live in a world where democracy is everywhere. Leaders of numerous states use the lack of democracy as a source for their power. AS I stated before, we should do whatever i takes to defend our way of life... even though there may not be perceived threats from states like Iran and Iraq the threat is there.

Just know that according to many, you, the infidel, are not worthy to even step into the vicinity of the "Holy Land". Your way of life is hated. Apparantly spreading democracy is "imperialistic" and we somehow always end up being the bad guys. Also understand that the troubles that the Iraqis are facing is not because of us, it's because of the shitbags choosing to try and topple the Iraqi government; they are the reason that security is lacking, they are the reason why the Iraqi cannot freely walk about his neighborhood, they are the ones who use civilians as human shields, and they are the ones mass murdering innoicent civilians. Re-think who the bad guys really are.

anddd..... Go watch the movie!