Sunday, June 10, 2007

Someone got fired

Change in Iraq policy? Didn't the media think to notice this?

"The man chosen by President Bush to become his new "war czar" told Congress on Thursday that national security advisor Stephen Hadley would no longer be responsible for Iraq policy, indicating the administration has quietly engineered a significant change in foreign policy leadership that could directly affect U.S. war strategy."

1 comment:

danylo said...

If true, this is a major break in power distribution. On the other hand, I wonder if this is merely forced by the need to "specialize" and divide the labor. After all, Iraq and Afghanistan must be exhausting to deal with alone. I'd rather have a National Security Advisor who actually has the time to focus on potential threats here at home. Did this division of responsibilities happen during Vietnam war?

It's sad that this "split" got so little coverage, while Hilton and Logan were afforded the unnecessary attention by the big three and cable.